Take part in our groundbreaking work! Through funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), CROPPS is offering a summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. The program takes place for 10 weeks each summer, May through August. REU undergraduate participants receive stipends, as well as room and board.
Interdisciplinary teams with combined expertise in plant science and technology development (synthetic biology, nanotechnology, optics, robotics, and advanced computing) will host and mentor CROPPS REU participants. Working with the team, participants will learn about and take part in our research, and contribute to the development of technologies that will enable seamless bidirectional communication between plants and people.
If you are an undergraduate with a background in biology, engineering, or computing, we encourage you to apply to our REU offerings. Summer undergraduates in this program will be hosted and mentored by interdisciplinary teams that include expertise in both plant science and technology development. The host sites are as follows:
- Cornell University, Ithaca NY (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Summer REU)
- Boyce Thompson Institute & Cornell University, Ithaca NY (BTI Summer REU)
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign IL (Center for Digital Agriculture Summer REU)